Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Week 3 - Folie Concept

The concept behind my folie is providing an interactive means to experince Brisbane's history of floods.

Creating a view that mimics previous flood levels.

This concept came about due to the sites strong historical nature combined with its obvious connection with the river, as well as it's views.  HSW provides a visitor with extensive views down both the New Farm reach of the Brisbane River as well as views back to the CBD and Botanical gardens precinct.  Combining these 3 elements of the site has created the concept.


My initial design consited of sorting an array of arcs at levels of previous floods in order to give the user an idea of the height necessary to stay dry.  This idea however lacked the inclusion of giving someone that view of water heights back to the city or to New Farm.  It will be required to elevate the user to the proper eye-line of the height for them to achieve a level view over a large distance.

3 arcs reaching the heights of significant previous floods.
It became apparent that to provide an accurate veiwing piece that will show the user exactly the height of a previous flood a viewing mechanism would be needed in order to provide an accurate view.

The 2 lines are necessary to be able to display a height over a distance.


After discovering faults in the initial design my thought was to create a wall in which the above views can be placed in.  This would allow a passer by the oppurtunity to witness how high the water was and upon closer inspection view from that height back towards the city or New Farm.  This refined design still includes the arcs by using them as a means to elevate the user to the required height. 

Steps up elevate the user to the required height to gain the view of the relevant flood height.

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