Monday, 14 March 2011

Week 2 - Walkshop

In week 2 we partook in a walkshop in conjunction with another subject DAB525 Architecture & The City.  This walkshop resulted in us walking from the Goodwill Bridge entrance to QUT along the river bank to Howard Smith Wharves (the site for this assignment).  Along the way we were asked to analyse the city through the use of Kevin Lynch's 5 key physical principles identifiable in a city.  These are:
  • paths,
  • edges,
  • districts,
  • nodes and
  • landmarks.
During the journey from QUT to Howard Smith Wharves I stopped and made to following very rough sketches.

Intersection of paths
near QUT.

Plan view of Goodwill
Bridge entrance at QUT
showing Paths.

Edge of districts at
bottom of Alice Street.

While the sketches were very rough I attempted to show each of the 5 principles Lynch talks about.  One principle I found hard to come across was a significant landmark.  I personally see a landmark as a point of reference you should be able to meet anyone at and they should be able to know exactly where you are talking about.  In the end I realised the Goodwill Bridge itself could be seen as a landmark.

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