Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Week 5 - Theme Group Introduction

The Theme Group I have been placed in is 'Architecture of Argument' which is run by Jesse Lockhart-Krause.  The focus of this group is Critical Thinking. The first thing Jesse asked during the tutorial was what our definition is of an Architect.  My view is that the an architect is someone who develops a concept and brings that concept to built and functioning form.  My definition of the role is similar to that of Jesse and during the tutorial he played a clip of Joshua Prince-Ramus in which he talks about the role of the architect among other things (video available at:  Following this short video Jesse spoke about diagramming and the main idea I got out of the talk was to diagram everything and to give everything your doing a purpose.

Week 4 - Presentation

This is my panel for the presentation.  A big problem I had with arranging this panel was the inability to access the site and get the desired photograph.  As well as this the final print turned out very pixilated.  In the end the panel was somewhat disappointing however as I see it architecture is not about creating a pretty picture to mount on a board.  It is about having a logical concept and being able to turn that into something real.  I feel while the panel is not the greatest, my final design is unique in form and use and will add to the abundnce of history within the site.

Final panel for Presentation.

Week 4 - Folie Design (final)

This week focused entirely on getting my folie ready for presentation.  Feedback from my tutor in week 3 was vey solid and she seemed to really like my concept of an interactive means to experincing Brisbane's flood history.  Therefore I have continued to develop my design further starting with the heights of the location to be understand the scale of what will be necessary.
Port Office Gauge - Edward Street Brisbane
As the height difference from ground to highest flood point is 4.5m, I have had to re-think my design.  With collaboration with my tutor the week prior, we had discussed the idea of creating a spiral staircase rather then the large wall.  Due to the height the distance required to elevate someone 4.5m then down again would exceed the 5m length.  This has altered the design to create a more vertical design.

Refined design using spiral staircase to elevate users.
The diagram above displays the new method of elevating users.  The reason for elevating the user is firstly, to provide the user with a line of sight through the folie to relate the height with surrounding infrastructure.  Secondly it requires elevating the user to the height of the highest flood so they can experince just how high the water level was where the are situated.

Final Design